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Q&A with John McBain

What quirky talents do you posses?
I can remove myself from any conversation without the other person noticing that I would rather smell a Klansman's fart than have to subject myself to another second of annoying chit chat. I hate chit chat. Call it the art of disengagement. You remove yourself from the picture and they think that you are witty and engaging. Fuck them.

Are you an inventor of any kind?
I have ideas on an almost daily basis. I just can't find the right sucker to finance my dreams. Here's one; an eatery for single people. Picture a long row of sinks. Above each sink is a TV set. All meals come served in large bowls and/or pots. And all meals are to be eaten over the sink. No seats. Just stand there, eat from your pot, watch some TV, toss your bowl in the sink when you've finished, wipe your mouth with the supplied dish towel and your done. And if you're fortunate enough to meet that special someone there, you can be assured that it will be a match made in slob heaven.

Make your own pedals?
I can rewire any existing pedal and turn it into a theremin. No joke.

Have a unique approach to the recording process?
I treat the recording process like an extended bowel movement. i just sit there, strain a little bit in the beginning and then relax and let it flow. When I'm done, I clean up the messy bits, wash my hands and make a sandwich or something.

Can you cook?
I'm a cooking sonofabitch.

What's your favorite dish?
I make a wicked roasted eggplant sauce. Prep em' with olive oil, fresh garlic, fresh oregano, basil, chives and some red pepper flakes. Throw in some panko, then slow roast them until they collapse under their own weight. Toss the eggplant with heirloom tomatoes, freshly grated Parmesan and plop em' on a bed of high quality pasta. Dinner is served, motherfucker. And don't forget the wine.

Would you care to share the recipe?
I just did.

Other hobbies you wanna talk about?
The New York Times Crossword Puzzle. Every single day. And not the cheesy online version. I need paper and pen, damnit!

You have a favorite book?
Nope. But I do like William Kennedy a whole lot. And David Lee Roth's "Crazy From the Heat" is up there as well. Off topic, can I just say that the first four Van Halen LPs kick ass on the entire Beatles catalog? Seriously. Best band of the late 70s/early 80s. Fair Warning is damn near perfect. Sgt Pepper was a pussy.

Favorite movie?
W.C Fields classic, Its A Gift. Or any movie with Gene Hackman. Yes, any movie. Hackman is the greatest actor of all time. And this topic is not open to discussion.

Social networking... discuss.
Creepy, yet increasingly essential.


  1. Anonymous3/02/2010

    You haven't addressed "The Ed Harris" question, what are you dodging?

  2. John McBain3/04/2010


  3. jansolo6/28/2010

    It's a Gift is great. Baby LeRoy kicked Fields' ass though, with Mr Muckle a close second.

    Oh yeah, does the Hackman list include Lucky Lady? That movie was badass. Liza Minelli when she was actually yummy. And Higgins as the bad mofo. Rawk.
