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Great Moments In Fuzztone: Steve Morgen

Hard to pick a favorite moment on the Morgen LP. Its acid rock solid from start to finish. So go get yourself a copy on vinyl, toss out that white label promo copy of Led Zeppelin I that you like to pull out and impress your buddies with when they drop by for an extended bong session and put Morgen in the slot that those fuckin' blues robbing limeys used to occupy on your record shelf. Cuz this is real blues rock, my fuzzy friends! And not that reverent bullshit that dickholes like whatshiname from that boring ass band whose name I've forgotten tries to "educate" you with. You wanna teach me about the blues? Don't teach me shit. Just play me something that isn't a goddamn jam in E or a well documented solo by Albert King. I hate you, Mr. Blues Guitarist.
So back to Morgen.
Sure it gets kinda hippie dippy at times, but when Steve Morgen lays into the fuzz, it makes the ride worth every single paisley unicorn moment! And he's not afraid to bypass the amp and plug right into the mixing board too. DIrect injection!
( Direct fuzz is one of my favorite noises. Its right up there with farts in the bathtub and the sound of some douchebag slipping on the icy sidewalk and cracking his assbone because its the middle of fucking January and he's still wearing flip flops and cargo shorts. )

So heres a real gem from the Morgen LP. Its called "Of Dreams" and its in my fuzz hall of fame. Dig it.


  1. i couldn't agree more...~

  2. Bought the Morgen album immediately after hearing WWC's version of "Of Dreams." Great records both.

  3. Anonymous6/24/2011

    McBain, bring us some new music! Your music. It's been too long.

    Much respect. You are genius.

  4. I've had "Morgen" for years now and listen to it on a regular basis. If anyone knows how to contact Steve please let me know. His album is absolutely killer!
